I use the inverted cross symbol in my art as a way to represent life, renewal, and an inverted or uplifting perspective. The traditional cross symbol can carry heavy, solemn religious connotations, but by inverting it, I aim to transform the meaning.
To me, the inverted cross symbolizes rising up, turning things on their head, and looking at the world from a different angle. It's about embracing a more positive, life-affirming outlook - almost like standing the cross on its head to point towards the heavens instead of down towards the earth.
In my art, the inverted cross represents themes of rebirth, spiritual enlightenment, and a celebration of the sanctity of life. It's a way for me to imbue this ancient symbol with a fresh, uplifting interpretation that resonates with my personal values and artistic vision. Rather than darkness or the macabre, I want this symbol to evoke a sense of elevation, progress, and the sheer miracle of existence.